Deploying and using AXIS Case Insight

2022-04-25Last updated

This topic organizes the setup, customization, and operation of AXIS Case Insight into stages. Use it to make sure you are getting the most out of AXIS Case Insight.

Step Description Where to find more information
Account setup and user management
1 Set up your account: Configure your account information and establish your organization's network of users, groups, departments, and categories.
  1. Activate your account
  2. Configure account information
  3. Create departments
  4. Create user groups
  5. Create users
  6. Create categories
2 Define policies: Control access to and set retention policies for cases and evidence files.
  1. Learn about permission levels
  2. Define security policies
  3. Set retention policies for cases and files
3 Configure report templates: Determine the contents and style of the reports used by your organization.
1 Build cases: Create cases to document and track your investigations.
  1. Create cases
  2. Assign personnel to a case
  3. Change access policies for cases
  4. Upload files to cases
  5. Preview evidence in cases
2 Manage files: Use files to support your cases.
3 Audit investigations: Create reports that summarize and show actions performed on cases and files.