About email notifications in AXIS Case Insight

2020-08-18Last updated

To inform users or guest users about specific events in Axis Case Insight, email notifications are sent.

Email notifications are sent to users in the following situations:
  • When an account is created
  • When a user is added to a case
  • When a user is added to a file
  • When a password is reset
  • When a case that a user has subscribed to is modified
  • When a case is transferred
Important: E-mail notifications are sent from info@caseinsight.axis.com . If you do not have this email in either your Inbox or Spam (or Junk) folders, contact your account administrator.
The email notification can also include one or more of the following:
  • The account ID.
  • The name of the person inviting you to a case or file.
  • The name of the person who reset your password.
  • The name of the person who transferred you a case and the organization they are a part of.
  • The name of the person you transferred a case to and the organization they are a part of.
Note: The account ID is highlighted in bold in all email notifications.

Account created

An email with the subject Invitation to join AXIS Case Insight is sent.
The "account created" AXIS Case Insight email notification, showing login information and account information.

User added to a case

An email with the subject [username] has added you to a case is sent.
The "user added to a case" AXIS Case Insight email notification, showing the option to view a case and a contact email address.

User added to a file

An email with the subject [email address] has added you to a file is sent.
The "user added to a file" AXIS Case Insight email notification showing the option to view a file and a contact email address

Password reset

An email with the subject Your password has been reset is sent.
The "password reset" AXIS Case Insight email notification showing login credentials, the option to access the account, and a contact email address.

Case modified

An email with the subject A case you're following has been modified | Case name is sent.
The "case modified" AXIS Case Insight email notification, showing the option to view a case.

Incoming case transfer

An email with the subject Someone has transferred you a case is sent.
The "case transfer received" AXIS Case Insight email notification, showing the option to view the case and a contact email address.

Case transfer successful

An email with the subject Case transfer to someone succeeded is sent.