About the video editor

2024-08-06Last updated

Before sharing a video file with others, you can use the video editor to trim or redact it.

  • Trimming is the act of shortening a recording and isolating parts that are relevant to your case. When trimming is performed, the original video is preserved and the trimmed version is saved as a copy. Use trimming to shorten the recording and keep only the relevant sequence of a longer video to accelerate the review of the recording.
  • Redaction in AXIS Case Insight is the act of obscuring faces, audio, or other sensitive information from supported video files. Use redaction to conceal a persons face, voice, or other sensitive or identifiable information.

Video editor

  • Each user's ongoing redaction and trimming projects are shown in the video editor.
    • If you exit the video while editing or saving a video, it is saved in the list of video editor projects.
    • A copy of the original file is saved when a file is trimmed or redacted. You can create multiple trimmed or redacted versions of the same file.
    • Note: You can only trim and redact video files that are supported in AXIS Case Insight. Refer to the list of supported file formats for details.
The video editor project view showing all ongoing projects.


  • You can trim a file without redacting it.
  • If a video is longer than 30 minutes, the first 30 minutes is automatically selected for trimming. You can adjust this selection.
  • If a video is longer than 3 hours, the maximum size you can trim it to is 02:59:00.
The video timeline being dragged to trim the video.


  • You can redact video automatically or manually.
  • You can redact visual areas of a video, or audio segments of a video recording.
The video editor showing manual redaction being performed.