System requirements for AXIS Case Insight

2021-12-01Last updated

For Axis Case Insight to run efficiently in your web browser, the computer or mobile device that you use must meet certain software and hardware requirements.

The requirements for AXIS Case Insight software are as follows:

Desktop Requirements

  • Cookies and JavaScript are enabled in the web browser that you are using.
AXIS Case Insight is compatible with the following desktop operating systems and web browsers.
Operating system Supported browsers
Microsoft® Windows 7, 8.0, 8.1, 10 Microsoft® Edge, and Google Chrome
Mac OS 10.5.7 Apple Safari 6

Mobile Requirements

AXIS Case Insight is compatible with the following mobile operating systems and web browsers.
Operating system Supported browsers Supported Devices
Android Google Chrome (latest version only) Android tablets and phones
iOS 9.0 and later Apple Safari 6 and Google Chrome iPads, iPad Minis, and iPhones
Note: Performing video redaction on a mobile device is not supported.