Trimming video

2023-11-24Last updated

Trimming is the act of shortening a recording and isolating parts that are relevant to your case. When trimming is performed, the original video is preserved and the trimmed version is saved as a copy. Choose to keep only the relevant sequence of a longer video to accelerate the review of the recording.

Before you begin

Upload a file.


  1. From a case, click the icon after the filename () in the Files field, and click Trim and Redact.
    Tip: You can also start a redaction from the File page or from the Evidence preview window when previewing evidence in a case.
    The Trim video window opens.
  2. (Optional) Move your cursor over the start or end of the file timeline and drag the its borders to fit your desired time range or adjust the From and To time values.
  3. Click Continue.
    The Video editor page opens.
  4. Click Create video.
  5. (Optional) To save the trimmed video to an existing case.
    1. Enter a case ID or name in the Search field or click enter to see a list.
      The Save redacted video to new case window showing the options to save or continue editing.
    2. (Optional) To check that you have the correct case click View case.
    3. Click Save to create a trimmed copy of the video file.
      The Video saved notification showing the new file name and case the file was saved to.
      Tip: Click View file to change the file name before closing the dialog, so that others can easily find the file.
    4. Click Close.
  6. (Optional) To save the trimmed video to a new case. For example, when you want to share evidence with someone who must not have access to the original case.
    1. Click Create a case.
      The Save redacted video to new case window showing the options to save or continue editing.
    2. Enter a name for the new case.
    3. Select a department from the Department list.
    4. (Optional) Click Cancel to return to the previous dialog panel.
    5. (Optional) Click Continue editing to return to the video editor and make more changes.
    6. Click Save to create a redacted copy of the video file.
      The Video saved notification showing the new file name and case the file was saved to.
      Tip: Click View file to change the file name before closing the dialog, so that others can easily find the file.
    7. Click Close.

After you finish