
absolute time

In AXIS Case Insight, absolute time refers to the actual recording start and end times of the video evidence. For example, 08:35:00 AM - 08:40:00 AM.

access policy

An access policy refers to the permission levels granted to various integrations, users, groups, and departments on a particular case or file in a AXIS Case Insight account.


An account defines a customer organization's settings for AXIS Case Insight. There is one account per AXIS Case Insight system.

Account Administrator

The Account Administrator in AXIS Case Insight is a predefined user group with full access to the site, whose members typically act as site administrators. Only members of the Account Administrator group have access to the Configurations menu, from which they can create and manage users, groups, departments, categories, and access policies.

body worn camera

A body worn camera (BWC), also known as a wearable camera, is a video recording system that is typically used by law enforcement to record their interactions with the public or gather video evidence at crime scenes.
Acronym: BWC


A case in AXIS Case Insight is a record of an incident. You can share cases with internal and external organizations, and add digital evidence such as videos, images, and documents to cases.


Categories in AXIS Case Insight are used to classify cases. Each category defines an incident type and a retention policy.


A department in AXIS Case Insight is a collection of users, integrations, and groups. The department's access policies are added to the policies that its members already have. Users, integrations, and groups can belong to more than one department.


In AXIS Case Insight, eDiscovery is the process where electronic data is sought, secured, located, explored, and retrieved with the intention of using it as evidence in a civil or criminal case.

eDiscovery receipt

In AXIS Case Insight, an eDiscovery receipt is an audit-compliant digital proof of receipt report (in PDF format) for evidence being shared between two parties. For example, between the District Attorney's office and the Attorney of the defendant. The report includes evidence shared, how it was sent, and a list of items shared.


A file in AXIS Case Insight is a piece of digital evidence, such as a video, image, document, or other type of file. Files can be grouped within one or more cases.

AXIS Case Insight

is an evidence management system that you can use to help accelerate investigations by securely collecting, managing, and sharing evidence from different sources.


A group in AXIS Case Insight is a collection of users and integrations. The group's access policies are added to the policies that its members already have. Users and integrations can belong to more than one group.


An integration in AXIS Case Insight is an external device or application that is authorized to transfer data to the AXIS Case Insight account.


A participant is an individual or business that wishes to share videos with a AXIS Case Insight account. You can add participants' cameras to the AXIS Case Insight registry to make them available to system users.

permission level

Permission levels in AXIS Case Insight are used to define the level of access granted on a case or a file. The different permission levels include View only, View and download, Edit, and Manage, and they can be granted to an integration, user, group, or department.


Redaction in AXIS Case Insight is the act of obscuring faces, audio, or other sensitive information from supported video files.

relative time

In AXIS Case Insight, relative time refers to the duration of the video recording with no reference to when the recording started. For example, a 5 minute recording would be shown as 0:00 - 05:00.

retention policy

A retention policy in AXIS Case Insight defines how long a case remains in the system after it is closed or how long a file is retained before it is permanently deleted. A retention policy can prescribe a finite or indefinite duration.

security policy

A security policy in AXIS Case Insight defines which users and groups have access to a particular system feature.


Trimming is the act of shortening a recording and isolating parts that are relevant to your case. When trimming is performed, the original video is preserved and the trimmed version is saved as a copy.


A user identifies a person in a AXIS Case Insight account. You configure what cases and files a user can access through access policies, and what features they can use through security and video request policies.