Overview of the Home page

2023-11-24Last updated

On the Home page, you can create a case, search for cases or files, or view recent case or file activity.

The home page in AXIS Case Insight, with callouts to the UI elements.
Note: Menu tab options in the left navigation bar are not displayed in the Home page for Guest user accounts.
The Home page includes the following:
A My activities Check recent case or file activity.
  • Click a case or file to open the Case or File page.
  • Click More activities to display all activities.
Note: For Guest users My activities only displays a list of the cases or files that have been shared with the Guest user.
B Search box Open the Search page. The search results only show cases or files that contain your keywords.
C Search button Open the Search page. The search results only show cases or files that contain your keywords.
D Create a case Create a new case.