Configuring ID templates

2023-03-23Last updated

What you should know

  • Only users included in the account administrators group can create or modify ID templates.


  1. Click Configurations > Fields and labels .
  2. Turn on the Automatically generate ID setting Switch supporting and on, and off, position..
  3. Configure keys for the ID template.
    Tip: Hover over the Tip () icon to see a list of supported values you can add to your automatic ID template.
    The supported keys and their respective values are as follows:
    Key Value
    {D} Short Day
    {DD} Long Day
    {M} Short Month
    {MM} Long Month
    {YY} Short Year
    {YYYY} Long Year
    {###} Fixed Length Numbers
    {N} Infinite Length Numbers
    {FIRSTNAME} Creator's First Name
    {LASTNAME} Creator's Last Name
    {USERNAME} Creator's Username
    • You can also include fixed characters in the ID template by entering them in the ID template without any brackets, such as in the following example: CCN-1111-{YYYY}-{N}, which would yield the result: CCN-1111-2022-1.
    • The {N} keyword is not displayed properly in the case and request views when the template it is included in is also assigned the {###} keyword.
  4. Click Save.
    Your ID template is created.


The field is configured:

The default fields section with the Default Value field, showing the ID template, highlighted.

The field appears in new cases:

A new case showing an ID assigned by the template.

After you finish

Create a case