Before someone can use Axis Case Insight, you must create a user
account for that person. After you have created the user's account, they can be granted
access to cases and files.
What you should know
You must be an account administrator to create users in AXIS Case Insight.
Click Configurations
> Users
> ().
Enter values for the following settings:
The user’s email address. This field is mandatory.
First name
The user's first name. To ensure that the user is searchable in the system, enter the
user's actual name, not a nickname.
Last name
The user's last name. To ensure that the user is searchable in the system, enter the
user's actual name, not a nickname.
The group that the user is assigned to. You can create groups for specific
departments, groups that apply to multiple or all departments, or groups that reside
outside departments. Users can belong to multiple groups.
Officer ID
The user’s identification number. You can search for users by their officer IDs.
Note: You can modify or reassign an officer ID from the
Officer ID field on the User edit
Mobile phone
The user’s phone number. You can add a maximum of two phone numbers. You cannot search
for users by their phone number.
Work phone
The user's work phone number.
A user can either be Active (by default) or Inactive. If a user is no longer working
for your organization, you can set the status of the user to Inactive. Inactive users
are still searchable.
A user can either be a guest or regular user. Guests cannot perform searches in the
system and cannot access the Configurations menu. Regular users
have full access, but can only access the Configurations menu if
they are part of the Account Administrator group.
Upload a photo of the user so that they can easily be identified.
The devices that are associated with the user. For example, a body worn camera.
Assign security policies.
Click Save.
The user account is created. An email inviting the user to join AXIS Case Insight is automatically sent to the user.
Tip: Click
Save and add new to create additional user
The image below shows an example of a user (Audrey Williams) who is a member of two
groups: Day to day operations Commanders and Loss Prevention Initial
reports. Because Audrey is a member of these two groups, she will automatically
be assigned to new cases that are assigned to departments that these two groups are
members of.
For example, if a new case is assigned to the Loss Prevention Department,
and Audrey is a member of the Initial Reports group within this department, Audrey
will receive an email, notifying her that she has been assigned to a new case.
Watch this video to learn more. Click the
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