Creating user groups

2024-09-03Last updated

To organize users by rank or role, and to simplify the assignment of permission and security policies in the system, you can create user groups.

What you should know

You can create user groups for specific departments, groups that apply to multiple or all departments, or groups that reside outside departments. Users can belong to multiple groups. You must be an account administrator to create AXIS Case Insight user groups.


  1. Click Configurations > Groups .
  2. Click Create group ().
  3. In the Name field, enter an applicable name for the group.
  4. Assign security policies to the group.
  5. Click Save.
Your user group is created. To assign access policies to cases for this group, you can either add this group to a department and then define the access policy, or define the group's access policy on a case by case basis.


Let us assume you want the police commanders within your organization to have full access to all new cases, regardless of which departments the cases are assigned to. As shown in figures A and B below, you can create a group named Commanders, add the group to each department within your organization, and then give the group the Manage permission level in each department.
Figure A. Create the group
The new group page showing the group name, member list, and assigned privileges.
Figure B. Add group to department and assign access policies for new cases
The Loss Prevention department showing the list of users and groups included.

Watch this video to learn more. Click the Captions icon (CC) to turn on video captions in one of the available languages.

After you finish

Create user accounts to add new users to the group, or add existing users to the group.